
Heyhey, it’s #TicTacTuesday!! The 124th variety added to the Tic Tac collection: GUM Liquid Center Lime Mint. That’s a mouthful…and so are these candies, they’re huge! This pack comes to us from Italy, just like the last few I’ve reviewed. Alba, Italy must be one Tic Taceriffic place with all these wacky varieties and flavors Ferrero has been putting out.
These packs are about the same size as the 200 candy packs, but they only hold FIFTEEN pieces of gum…because they’re monsters. I’ve compared them to FRESH+ and Freshmint below. I think things are getting out of control. I mean, the husky FRESH+ mints were big enough, now this? I’m waiting for Tic Tac shaped marshmallows next, just one in a pack!

The next thing we need to discuss is sugar. How many kinds of real and fake sugar are in this gum? SEVEN. Some of these are sugar alcohols and some are artificial sweeteners. Let’s list them, shall we? There’s xylitol, maltitol syrup, maltitol, isomalt, mannitol, acesulfame K, and sucralose. I seriously re-counted them several times because I look at that list and I’m thinking, “There’s no way they used seven kinds of sweetener in gum!” Yep.
I assume the rather astringent and offensive liquid center is made from flavored maltitol syrup, colored with E100 (Curcumin, which is actually not banned in the US and might even be good for you). Also, why bother coloring the liquid? Who is going to see it??
I taste-tested these with my 12yr old son and we both made the same face the second we bit into the gum…iewww. It was not good. I personally do like “lime mint” which debuted a while ago as one my personal favorites, Mojito Mint flavor. Something about the chemical taste of the sweeteners mixed with the far-too-acidic lime liquid, made for a rather unpleasant experience. If you are just hanging around Italy and pass these in a shop, keep on walking, buddy.